Become a Missionary

This is your call to do something amazing.

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Start your application

Why become a NET missionary?

Receive World-Class Formation

Every NET year begins with six weeks of training that includes world-class formation from some of the nation’s best priests, religious and missionaries who have gone before you.

Bring Others Closer to Jesus

As a missionary, Jesus entrusts the honour to you to evangelise the young people of Ireland. You will have the privilege of leading retreats and youth groups, inviting others into a relationship with Jesus.

Go on an Adventure

Embark on an exciting adventure in Ireland, where a year-long mission immerses you in the rich, Irish, Catholic history and culture. Beautiful churches, relics, and castles are ready to be explored.

Know the Voice of God

A NET year is focused on prayer and community, allowing you to step away from the noise of the world and listen to Jesus and where He might be calling you. 


Download our new Discernment Guide.

Recognising the importance of discernment, we are here to accompany you. Download our Discernment Guide below to help you get started!

download the discernment guide

Prayer & Discernment

Here to help you prayerfully discern every step.

Our experienced Recruitment Team will guide you through the discernment process once you have started your application.

Start your application
Frequently Asked Questions
Here’s (almost) everything you need to know about becoming a NET Missionary in Ireland.
Do I need a passport to apply?

Yes. Due to the immigration process you will need a passport that is valid through your NET year. If you do not have a passport and you want to apply to NET, please apply for a passport before you submit your NET application. We can continue to process your application while you wait for the passport to arrive.

How can I be contacted while I’m on NET?

During initial training: access to tech devices is limited, but we will provide contact numbers to get in touch with us in emergencies. During the mission year: you will only have access to personal tech devices during designated tech time each day, and on your weekly day off. Your supervisors will give their contact details to any parents that need them so you can still be contacted in urgent circumstances while you are on team. To receive mail, the easiest way (especially for travelling teams) is to have items mailed to our office, and then your team supervisor will be able to bring the items to you on supervisor visits. If you need something more quickly, you can get in touch with the office to get mail delivered sooner.

Can I do NET if I’m already in a relationship?

Yes, you can, as long as both of you are ready for 10 months of long distance, with communication limited to during your daily tech time and on your day off. That being said, many NET missionaries have strengthened their relationships while serving on NET. You cannot get engaged or be engaged as a NET missionary, however, because the commitments required in that season of a relationship cannot be fulfilled while serving on NET. NET missionaries cannot initiate a relationship during the mission year.

How do the teams get around?

Vehicles are provided for each team either by NET or by the parish or local area that they are located in.

I’m not ready to apply, but I want to find out more. What should I do?

We would love you to request an application from our website, so we can give you a call and help provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. The application form itself gives a lot of information about our ministry, and we are here to help with prayerful discernment as well.

I have never been involved in youth ministry; can I still apply?

Yes! Each year NET has team members who have never facilitated a retreat or maybe even been on one. If you are a successful candidate, by the end of our initial training program you will be sufficiently equipped for mission.

Do I have to be Catholic?

Since NET team members are encouraging young people to love Jesus and embrace the life of the Church, team members do need to be practicing Catholics.

Do I have to commit to the whole 10-month program?

We are a relational, peer-to-peer youth ministry that places a great deal of emphasis on the relationships that team members form with the young people they serve. But what is just as powerful are the authentic relationships that team members form with each other that give witness to a radical form of love unknown to many young people. Because of this, you must be willing to commit to the whole 10-month program as part of your ministry.

Can I choose what team I want to be on?

NET will listen to the desires of an applicant, but the final decision rests on the discernment and prayers of the staff. A lot depends on the personality and skill set that would best suit a team, and the staff seeks to discern where God is calling each person to serve. We ask each person to be open to where God is calling them.

Do I have to answer every question on the application form?

Yes, we recommend answering all the questions because your application is all we have to go on when deciding whether to invite you for an interview. Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

NET Ministries Ireland is a charity registered in Ireland (no.17982) and the UK (no.107461).
The registered offices are at College Court, Lower Main Street, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal 
and De Montford House, 5 Clarendon Street Lower, Derry.